Monday, December 22, 2008

Julia's Birth Story: Part 3 (Jai's Version)

For weeks I'd been frustrated that nothing was happening. I came home from work on Monday, the 8th and Tara looked a bit more tired than usual. She expressed some concerns over the contractions but I didn't think much about it since we'd been dealing with Braxton-Hicks for awhile. I asked her if they were more intense, she said not really. I asked if they were more frequent, she said she hadn't noticed. I pulled out one of my dad-to-be books and asked Tara to time them...the book said something about 5 min apart. She said they weren't and we continued our night. I fixed dinner, we watched a little TV and Tara decided to go to bed.

An hour or so later she says she can't go to sleep b/c of the contractions which were only a minute or so more frequent than before. She told me I needed to come to bed earlier than my usual time b/c who knows how much longer I would be able to get sleep, I didn't listen. I crawled in bed about 12midnight and we spooned and I rubbed her back as I dozed off. Within 15 minutes, Tara exclaims something. I ask and she says her water just broke. She carefully walked to the bathroom, I got the phone, Tara gave me the midwife office phone. Soyehl was on call and asked me what color was the fluid; just as I asked Tara she says "Oh, gross, that's nasty." I tell Soheyl that its greenish and tells me that is meconium and we should go straight to the hospital. She doesn't explain, I don't ask. I call Bonnie and tell her what's going on.

We were both hurried but I felt surprisingly calm and focused. Nervously, I let Johnders out. It was the middle of the night and I didn't know when we would be back. He thought it was a game. I got my bag, filled with a change of clothes, a book, Tara's laptop, my iPod, a comb and toothbrush. As we left, it was obvious that Johnders knew something was going on.

As I think about it, I knew something was going on too, it had only been a day or two earlier that I sent an email to my desk replacements to make sure I had proper contact info. It had been only a day or two that I filled a giant plastic bag with Johnders' food. It was earlier in the evening that I first asked Tara which route she preferred to get to the hospital. I asked b/c invariably I take the highway and Tara asks why I went that way and I didn't want to be on the way to the hospital and have THAT conversation.

We calmly make it to the hospital. Along the way Tara had couple of contractions but she was far more worried about getting messy...amniotic fluid continued to flow...more than the pain she was feeling. Her calmness allowed me to be calm. We made it to Vandy's Emergency Room and the valet was about to take the car, I had the bags and the car wouldn't start. I went back to see what was going on - the battery had died. Let me repeat.

We ARRIVED at Vanderbilt Hospital and the battery died.

The universe conspiring to move my life forward (I'll tell you about the night my dad died at some other point). Tara proceeded to check in and have contractions but finally the valet said he would figure it out, which he did and I finally got inside with Tara.

1 comment:

  1. HOW AMAZING about the battery. Yes, I think it's a kind miracle.
