Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Crisis of Weight

failure to thrive?Some of you might wonder why things have been so quiet. Well, Tara and I had to tackle our first postpartum crisis. Last month when Julia went for her 2 month checkup she was severely underweight - 1st percentile (.pdf)- which classified her as "failing to thrive". This was despite all the other criteria which said she was fine...length, head circ, mobility, alertness, demeanor.

The doctor suggested that we supplement with EBM. She wanted us to do 3 oz, 3 times a day and come back in a week for a weight check. Tara did that and through the extra feedings and lots of spitup Julia gained half a pound, which proved she could gain the weight. Dr. Robinson suggested we repeat another week. In the mean time Tara got more info and we started feeding Julia smaller supplements more often. Again we did it and Julia gained almost 1/2 lb. We have continued to do this until this weekend. In the last week Julia gained 5 oz which is the low end of the normal range for breastfed babies.

So one her 3rd month birthday Julia weighs 9lbs 7oz. She's still smaller than many but she is gaining weight and as you can see by the previous video and this photo she is bright eyed and bushy tailed.

This post doesn't touch the emotional toll this process is taking on Tara. I have stated for years that she is the stongest person I know and this process has brought her to her knees. DO NOT let anyone fool you, breastfeeding might be natural but it is not easy.

There are all sorts of things you can't factor in and if you've never breastfed before its almost impossible to figure everything out. Believe me when I say that you will most likely be the exception to ever suggestion you get about how to breastfeed. The stories will sound similar to yours but they will not be. My suggestion mirrors what I read on DIY Father this week. Listen to the suggestions but do your own research and follow your gut.Happy & Healthy @ 3 months

As for me? I'm struggling too but I feel it pales in comparison to Tara. I am attempting to keep everything grounded, not let the frustrations get in the way of us being parents. I am attempting to keep Tara, me and Johnders fed. I am attempting to keep our dog from losing his mind. All the while I am clenching my jaws (Literally. This is how I react to stress.) and powering through.

Thanks to Edgehill UMC, Goodlettsville Middle and other friends for keeping Tara and me fed. Its appreciated more than you know.
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  1. Hey there. Sorry I haven't come over with more food yet. Again, I really can't imagine. Breastfeeding without the complications of baby-not-gaining-weight is hard enough. I so hope the worst is behind you.

    Also, I'm sorry if I was one of those advice-givers. When I was struggling with trying to wean Ben, I got tons of conflicting advice from everyone, and I felt exhausted and confused with it all. I was talking with a woman from David's work who had breastfed for a much longer time (so I knew she wouldn't be judgmental), and she just said, "You'll know when it's time."

    Wow. That one little sentence changed things for me, because I was able to relax and not feel completely pressured about it all. I decided she was right. What else did I have to go on than my own intuition? (On this particular matter, at least.)

    Blessings to all three of you. When the craziness subsides, I'm coming over there with a camera. You've tempted me with those lips of hers for too long. So be ready....

  2. We're waiting. Julia is so full of excitement and smiles. Raspberries undo her, she giggles and smiles huge. They also stop her crying.

    Tara and I have a meeting about everything every day when I get home. Today was a good day.
