Saturday, March 17, 2012

Aunt Susie visits during Spring Break

Old post - title, nothing else started so winging it again from memory.

It was wonderful to have Susie here in Nashville during HER spring break (MNPS is not until April). Jacqueline is 8-9 weeks old so slightly older than when Susie first met Julia, but we all enjoyed our time together. Julia got some extra attention, really needs it right now as some of the novelty of having a little sister wears thin. Taking care of a small baby is a lot of work even with 2 parents. I do not understand how single parents do this & definitely don't know how you handle more than 1 child. I am grateful for the awesome support from family & friends. We received meals from family & friends for about 6 weeks & it was so great to not have to think about preparing those meals. 

Susie is gluten free/vegetarian so we got lots of fun things to eat that we do not buy, like tahini, while she was here. Another gift is her daily green smoothie. Julia likes it, I tolerate it, Jai hates it. I know we're slightly healthier while she's here. A week is never enough time, but I'm happy to have than time with her. Hopefully we'll be able to play tennis when she's here in June for Jacqueline's baptism.

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