Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Break 2011

week 27 - 3rd trimester - nesting insanity!
You should see the list I've made of stuff to complete in next 3 months. Crazy!

Some of it is necesssary as we'll use it immediately once baby is born.
  1. clean the infant car seat & crib
  2. make sure we have the other infant stuff pulled out of storage
  3. contact Smile Mommy! to set up cloth diaper service again
Some of it doesn't have to be done, it's more of a goal.
  • green couch cleaned (it is SO nasty!)
  • house cleaned by professionals (it really needs a thorough cleaning that won't happen again for another 3-4 years!)
  • cook meals to store in freezer
I got a ton done - play date with friends with similar age kids, personal & medical appointments, visited a college friend in Memphis with Julia (Jai stayed home with a cold with Johnders who has heartworms so cannot be boarded), submitted my expired passport for renewal, paid property taxes (due in February 2012). However, I was exhausted!

I remember this crazed feeling of wanting to get so much done 3 years ago. I also was way too busy outside of work/home with church activities, socializing with friends, volunteering. I don't do as much as I used to, but I still have a full calendar most weeks. I decided not to do more than 1 activity each week. The only exception is if it's an exercise date with a friend at the Y during time when child care is available. I have to manage my weight gain - it's already more than last time & I have WEEKS to go!

I told Jai to help me do less. Sometimes that means he has to do more. : )

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