Sweet! Goal accomplished!
Thanks in part to 2 circumstances.
1. We didn't travel in June so I had many more opportunities to go to the Y pool.
2. Susie had foot surgery in April so she's been housebound basically for 2 months ... out of the hot hot Arizona sun for those 8 weeks. She also does not have easy access to a pool like we do.
It is great ... while it lasts.
When I visit her in October during Fall Break, I'll be back to my pale self.
Oh, well, it is what it is! : )
Of course, both girls are much browner than I am.
Ironically Jacqueline has spent 1/2 the time as Julia & I at the pool - she's just darker.
That reminds me of a "funny"story that has happened twice recently.
"Your children are darker than you are" ... uh, yeah, duh!
My husband is darker than I am ... plus I'm biracial so I'm paler than an "all black" person.
Whatever. Actually that reminds of another funny story about color & race.
Julia calls me white.
Everyone else she calls brown, except my mom whom she correctly says is white.
Even Susie she says is brown. My twin sister basically the same as me ... brown, but I'm white.
OK -what? We're not sure what that is about, but never boring at our house.
Sorry, Susie for your pain & recovery.
Glad you are up & on your feet & doing so well! : )
4 months ago
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