I don't think I've written anything about our latest obsession.
Yeah, yeah, I know we're like 7 years behind the curve!
I saw the movie many years ago & actually enjoyed it. I like Billy Bob Thorton!
I'm not sure what happened when TV series started in 2006 & why I didn't watch it.
It's not like we have crazy awesome Friday night plans usually!
Probably related to my dislike of football.
However, we kept hearing how good it is so I finally requested the first season from NPL.
We totally are binge-ing on it - we probably started watching 2 weeks ago!
Now we're at season 3 - finally last night!
Disc 1 of season 3 had a HOLD so we had to wait 3 days since we finished season 2.
It's bad having an obsession like this, especially at whim of NPL system.
I wait with anticipation for the DVD to arrive ... "in transit" my account says.
I check my account very day, sometimes twice a day in hopes that it will say "ready for pick up."
I'm a serious addict! I drop everything, say "let's go kids, we're headed to the library."
I even contemplated rejoining Netflix (we're planning to soon anyway, but seriously!) so I could get it faster.
However, there is no guarantee as sometimes there is a wait for NF items.
Alright, I gotta get off the blog & make breakfast for kids before church.
I'm looking forward to watching the last 2 episodes on disc 1 tonight.
I have some self control, especially as disc 2 has a HOLD and Wimbledon starts tomorrow! : )
4 months ago
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