Odd combination, right?
They are separate observations, same post.
Soy butter
It is not nut-based, it's made from a bean. Duh, right? : )
I am so glad it's a safe food for Jacqueline to eat - good fats, calories & other nutrients.
Since she's under 2, that is important as it is not like typical warnings for nuts.
Though we fed her some almond milk, not thinking about it being a NUT!
Regardless Jac loves it - on bread, crackers, alone on her high chair tray.
Good stuff though hard to find at stores in East Nashville.
We used to find it at Turnip Truck Gulch location, but no longer.
Now we have to stock up when we go to Whole Foods, especially if it's on sale as it can be expensive.
This is a great way to use CSA veggies!
Plus it is an awesome way to get your children to eat vegetables.
Even Jacqueline who really LOVES soup.
Actually it makes the veggies much softer so easier for young child to eat.
It also gets liquids in them which sometimes can be challenging.
4 months ago
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