Monday, March 4, 2013

breastfeeding on tv

2/27/13 "Modern Family" - Gloria at door with delivery person signing for package (requiring multiple unnecessary signatures!) while nursing baby
Jay: "last week Phil almost swallowed a crayon"

Diaper commercials with first child, second child differences
(not sure what is the connection with the diapers)
NIP (nursing in public) commercial
first child: hiding behind a tree in the corner of restaurant, wearing a nursing cover
second child: no cover, mom wearing pull down/cross over style shirt, skin is exposed, baby's head covering the breast area, waiter staring, mom's response "What?" (love it!)
Also love the commercial as family prepares to leave the house
first child: stroller packed top & bottom with everything you'd possibly need, almost leaves baby in crib!
second child: mom wearing baby, saying "let's go" to older child, diaper in hand, she grabs some crackers from a bowl & puts in her pocket!

Unfortunately for the product, I don't remember the brand of diaper, but both spots are HILARIOUS!

other funny lines on 2/27/13 MF episode
Lily says something rude about Cam & Mitchell's drunk female friend played by Elizabeth Banks. They're not happy that Lily missed the wedding.
Lily: It's OK. I'll catch the next one.
Again Cam & Mitchell are not happy with her response & try to explain to friend.
Lily: She understood what I meant.
EB: I really don't like you.
Lily: I'll get over it.
EB hits Lily's mirror, Lily looks annoyed

Her preschooler attitude is VERY familiar to us! Annoying yet funny!

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