It was delivered this morning! So exciting! I think I'm more excited than anyone. I don't know why, but it seems so great! Julia has a twin sized bed with mattress, foundation, 2 sheets, 2 pillows & a comforter. : )
We ordered it 3 weeks ago from Nature's Greenlife ( after some deliberation, looking on the Internet, & eventually met with Debby at the store/studio to see some of the merchandise. Then there was more deliberation/changes as we originally selected a full size organic cotton mattress as we have a full frame. However, we decided the nursery is too small a space for that & we will have 2 children so twin beds make more sense. Since we're spending a bit of money for this purchase, really important investment, we wanted it to be right. We changed to a twin sized organic wool mattress/foundation which is better for dust mites & allergies. It also meant it took more time as it was being custom built & coming from Canada.
We weren't sure if we'd get it before Christmas & we really wanted it sooner than later anyway so Julia could get used to it with plenty of time before baby arrives. Luckily Debby liked us a lot & checked in with the company frequently & got it expedited through customs (I didn't think about that!) to be here today. Also her husband helped bring it to us AND inside the house & upstairs to the room AND helped Jai (and Julia too) set it up. Apparently he doesn't usually do that. How nice! They are really nice & I've already referred 2 friends to their website, 1 with a baby on the way, 1 with a 3 year old to get a big bed.
After we changed bed sizes, we had the dilemma of finding a new frame. Initially I was disappointed as that meant MORE money, but thankfully Jai is quite savvy in the world of Freecycle & Craig's List. He posted a request on Freecycle & almost before I could blink, someone responded with info that they had TWO matching wood frames (what we wanted). The person had been about to take them to Salvation Army. She sent photos & they looked awesome! We said we wanted them & arranged the pick up/delivery. Then she said she'd bring them to us & she didn't even live close to us, I think Jai said Antioch. Amazing! I guess she was motivated to get them out of her garage. : ) Now we have a second frame for the second kid, to use in 2 years. Woo hoo!
We made the bed with her new jersey knit organic cotton sheets (so soft!), a fitted sheet AND a flat sheet. So grown up! Also finally used the Dora comforter I bought at a consignment sale in November. Julia loves Dora & Boots! She actually has had the pillow since late November when we placed the order (Debby gave us a "free" wool pillow). The wool is good for resistance against dust mites as well as good for hot sleepers which Julia (and Jai) is. I got a 2nd wool pillow from Gaiam (having a great sale!), mainly for us to use when we're in the bed, reading at bedtime.
Oh, I wish we'd done this MONTHS ago! It's been so uncomfortable on the floor, especially as I got bigger & bigger. I don't have bedtime duty until Sunday, but it will be so NICE to sit on that bed & read with Julia. We took a few photos to capture the moment as Julia got ready for bed this evening. FUN!!! : )
4 months ago
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