Today was a day filled with lots of pregnancy related activities. My friend, Jessie, & I are due 3 weeks apart & since it is Winter Break, we decided to get together for some pregnancy time.
First we went to the La Leche League meeting in East Nashville that meets on the third Wednesday mornings which usually we cannot attend, but this one was perfect timing. It was great to see some familiar faces, women who were very helpful & supportive when Julia was small & we were struggling to get breastfeeding to work. I really enjoyed listening & sharing experiences & feeling so comfortable & confident about this next adventure in parenting a baby. Jai had a dentist appointment & regular play date wasn't happening because Sam was sick so I had Julia with me. Actually I'm glad she was there to be around the babies & see breastfeeding. I'm sure she's going to be so curious when her baby is eating. She already talks about feeding the baby & we explain that won't happen for awhile. Julia played well on the rug with the plethora of toys & books available; she insisted that I come with her which I did awkwardly. : ) There was another mom & young baby on the floor too; the baby was 6 months old. Julia kept saying "No" to him & "He's taking my toys" which is not what he was doing. Mostly he was smiling & giggling at her, saying hello in his way. I anticipate some interesting struggles with possessiveness for belongings & parents.
We dropped off Julia at home for her lunch & nap with Jai home now. Then we headed to the West End area & grabbed some lunch & talked about our various pregnancy ailments. I will be SO grateful to not have this vicious heartburn/indigestion. It's awful! I feel like it's worse than last time & definitely lasted longer! Jessie fortunately hasn't had any issues with HB. We talked about the different kind of stomach acid that exists for us as we're different blood types. Interestingly I don't have issues when I'm not pregnant. Lunch was yummy, this place called Taiziki's, I'd never been there. I had a lamb gyro with rice & tomato/cucumber/feta salad. Hmmm!
After lunch we headed to A Mother's Place which is at Centennial Women's Hospital. We really were stretched for time & should have gone after our midwife appointments. I naively thought we'd be able to manage, but traffic was crazy at this time of day. We were late, but it was OK. Anyway, AMP is a lactation support center that includes a shop to purchase items related to breastfeeding. I went there a few times when Julia was 2-3 months old to get assistance with her weight gain issues & increasing my milk supply. The staff is wonderful, same woman who helped me is still there, so passionate & supportive of making breastfeeding work. It was great to see her. We got measured to find out what size nursing bra we need. We tried on a few styles & purchased some. I only got 1 as I have a few at home & since I'm smaller in general, the consultant reminded me that I'll get much bigger once my milk comes in postpartum. I remember that!! : )
Then to West End Women's Health Center for midwife appointment. I gained a few pounds in 4 weeks, but I've eaten more sweets & junk in last 2 weeks. UGH! The season of eating! I asked the midwife about cutting the cord after it stops pulsing - I got an explanation of the 2 minutes rule. Not sure I completely understand. I also asked about placenta encapsulate (supposed to help with postpartum depression). I heard about these 2 items at LLL meeting so I'm curious to find out more information. Thank goodness for the Internet.
My blood pressure was low again so excellent. Baby's heartbeat was much higher. This gender stuff is confusing! Who knows until she or he is born. Julia continues to refer to having a baby brother. Everyone says I'm carrying like it's a boy. However, we shall see when the time arrives.
Now I will go every week until delivery & I had already made all of my appointments (surprise, surprise!) so until next week.
4 months ago
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