I know I shouldn't laugh at Julia when she feels bad - she's got some stomach bug - but her pitiful call for Tara or me is really cute and even a bit funny in its pitifulness.
"mooommeeeee" if Tara is here
and "daaaddddeee" every other time.
I don't know exactly what's going on. She ate a good breakfast yesterday but after the Y she ate about 2 bites of a granola bar and wanted to go take her nap. Three hours later she woke up, ate the rest of the granola bar and wanted to lie back down. Within an hour I heard "daaaddddeee". By the time I got down the hall she had thrown up the granola bar all over the guest bed. HUGE MESS. Same thing happened with yogurt at dinner time except this time we heard "mooommeeeee".
We gave her some ginger tea and a bit of crystalized ginger, read a couple of stories and she slept the rest of the night without incident.
This morning...so far so good eventhough she says her stomach hurts.
Anyway, those pitiful cries for help are sometimes sickly cute.
4 months ago
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