This was another funny birthday party.
It is typical for Julia & now Jacqueline to be running around & SHOUTING!
The noise in this house - I'm sure to some it wouldn't be a big deal, but it is loud to me.
Side note:
This post is actually 4 days later than Jacqueline's birthday ... oh, the woes of child #2.
We did celebrate on the day so that's something.
Again we had family only party as usual for Years 1-4 birthdays. Of course, Bonnie, came; we forgot to Skype with Susie like last year. We had a nice dinner of beef/lamb burgers, sweet potato fries & kale salad.
I haven't gotten her birthday book yet - tradition we started with Julia - hopefully this weekend it will happen. I couldn't remember if I'd gotten it for 1st birthday ... thank goodness for the blog!
I found 2012 post & we got her a cool gift.
Susie sent a fun card - Julia enjoyed opening it AND reading the message.
It was long, lots of folds, but Julia read what Susie had written. : )
Again BEST part of the birthday party was the cake! Jacqueline is truly a cake monster, she loves cake. As always she got excited when she saw it & said "me, me!" and pushed her plate my way. Unlike last year (when she hadn't had cake all of her first year, only observing us eat all kinds of desserts for months), 2013 has been the year of desserts for Jacqueline AND others. Too much dessert, we definitely need to decrease our intake of sweets. The pounds after 40 are hard to get off!
Side note:
Julia is a crazed fiend for any kind of candy. We finally threw away all of her candy collection as she has been hiding & "stealing" to eat it without permission, especially when we say no.
Ugh, this is a sucktastic development phase - independence & autonomy. It is good and appropriate, but I supremely dislike attitude ... wondering where she gets it?!: )
My mom laughed at us when we "complained" - she said "right now you're bigger than her." UGH! I know!
Back to cake. : ) I made a carob cake instead of usual apple sauce. She's been eating anything & everything, all kinds of different sugary desserts in 2013, including CHOCOLATE - nothing like the rules we had for Julia. However, I had some carob powder that "expires" soon. Also they both still LOVE to eat apple sauce by the gallon it seems. Plus I feel less guilt with the "hippie chocolate" - carob is actually a beneficial spice for Type O blood people. I like it a lot too and so do Jac & Julia. Jai tolerates it; he eats his piece with no hesitation. : ) This time, I made sure the piece she received was a reasonable, safe size, hopefully not likely to choke on it. It would be unfortunate to choke on your birthday cake!
There was something funny she did, cannot remember what now, hopefully Jai got some good video. I had to remind him to get his camera & take some photos, otherwise we would have to recreate the moment. Again, woe it is to be child #2. They are lucky to get fed, bathed, clothed ... yet Jacqueline is fortunate she gets that & much more. She is a well loved & cherished child in our family & beyond!
Thanks for another great year, Jacqueline!
4 months ago
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