Wed. 10/9 Departure from Nashville/Arrival in Phoenix
1. hug & kiss Julia & Jai (Jacqueline was napping) good-bye
Bonnie was my ride to airport, nice visit with my mom : )
2. Get boarding pass, check bag, only have back pack, easily go through security
3. Go to nail place near gate - get a pedicure (I have 1 hour before plane leaves!) - awesome!
Feet need some attention! : )
4. Listen to audiobook - "Five Days at Memorial"
5. Board plane - B35 (no early boarding without kids!), get seat near front ... on aisle! Nice seat mate!
Have LONG convo with Scott, no interruptions, so unusual, got great list of restaurants to try with Susie
6. Wait for bag while Susie arrives, listening to audiobook
7. Home - quick shower, so lovely, while Susie cooks pasta with veggies & sauce
8. Watched TV for a bit while playing phone tag with Jai - sleepy so early to bed around 8:30pm
Thurs. 10/10
1. I woke up early at 5am, read Wellesley magazine (Spring 2013) until Susie awoke around 6am.
2. We drank breakfast smoothie & watched morning TV - ahh, vacation!
3. Raining so no tennis as planned ... hopefully tomorrow.
4. Tackled Susie's closet - organized it a bit, cleaned out a ton of OLD clothes, most for Goodwill, some went to trash, also started a "Julia box" to be mailed to her. It also will be addressed to her. Recently she said this to me about last box Susie mailed to our house. "Aunt Susie wrote your name on outside, but it really was for me." Really? Umph!
5. Hunger motivated us to stop so we loaded S's car (back seat since trunk doesn't work anymore) & dropped stuff at Goodwill. There is more for sure, but this is a great start!
6. Lunch at Barrio Cafe in downtown area, yummy local Mexican food, cool decor, not too crowded at 1pm. OMG, the guacamole was delish, it had pomegranates in it! Overall food priced a little too expensive for me, but we ordered cheapest items - "tres tacos" with pescado. I have got to get some meat!
7. Back home for rest time - Susie was studying for her mid-term tonight. I read "Eleanor & Park" my latest YA book from NPL, loving it! Fell asleep. : )
8. I woke 4 hours later to darkness - outside & inside house as Susie had left hours before to attend her community college nutrition class. Groggy, slightly disoriented, little hungry. I drank water & ate rest of my nut butter/jelly sandwich from home. I checked messages, 1 from Susie; I called Jai, but got voicemail so left another message for him.
9. I watched TV - whatever came on as I couldn't figure out S's instructions. Joel called, he was having similar issues with our new TV though Jai hadn't left directions. : )
10. Susie got home around 9pm, we watched "Scandal" & talked for awhile before going to bed at 11pm.
11. I read more of "Eleanor & Park" - it is so good! I love a good book. : )
4 months ago
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