AHHH! I really am mad at myself for being so tardy on posts sometimes. It's the cycle of my life. I'll get on something & obsess, catch up on posts, for example, and neglect some other area, like working on Julia's birthday party plans, which is one reason I got up early on Sunday morning!
Here goes a quick synopsis of why Goodwill is great.
1. Sundays & Wednesdays are 99 cents day - items (clothes mainly) with the assigned color tags for that week are only $1 (basically) AND there's no tax!!! Don't shop any other day
2. However, if you do, because you might need something & another day is better shopping opportunity for you, you're still going to be a winner. Occasionally I've shopped on a non SU or W. My basic rule is stick to the color tag for that week as it's 50% off so instead of paying the tag price of $2-5 (most items are not more, even shoes), it is discounted 50%. Sweet!
3. Rarely, but it has happened, I'll be honest, I have paid the tag price. Yes, don't fall out of your chair that Tara paid "full price" ... at Goodwill. : ) I don't like to do it, but I feel less guilt since it is used items & I'm not paying retail prices.
I love that it's like recycling. Clothes swaps are really my favorite since that's just FREE stuff. I don't find as much success usually, depends on who is there, what they bring & really the real truth is, what size I am.
I'm not always successful at finding items at Goodwill, but usually I find something I want or need. I used to have a rule (that I used to follow more faithfully) when I brought something into my house, I had to get rid of something else so I donate to Goodwill too & it comes full circle.
SO come on, go to your local Goodwill & get your cheap shop on. Your wallet thanks you! : )
4 months ago
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