Sunday, February 3, 2013

Downton Abbey 1/20/13

More great quotes from favorite show, thanks to sister, Susie.

Thomas: I do not like to feel that the house is not being properly represented.
Obrien's nephew: Is that aimed at me?
Thomas: If the cap fits, wear it.

Granny: Thank you, my dear, that is very kind. How much do I owe you?
Edith: A guinea.
Granny: (cork pops) A guinea? For a bottle of scent? Did he have a mask and a gun?

Granny: There must something you can put your mind to.
Edith: Like what? Gardening?
Granny: Oh no, you cannot be as desperate as that.

Mary: He will explain what has happened when our guest is gone.
Lady Grantham/Violet/Granny: Something to look forward to.

Tom: Then they set fire to it.
Edith: What a tragedy.
Lady Grantham/Violet/Granny: Well, yes and no. That house was hideous. But, of course, that is no excuse.
[everyone talking about Branson being there or not and why]
Tom: Those places are different for me. I do not look at them and see charm and gracious living. I see something horrible.
Lady Grantham/Violet: With Drumgoole Castle, I rather agree.
Robert: Mama, you are not helping.

Mary: Well it is settled then. Tell the maids they can buy their valentines.

Tom: I was always against any personal violence. I swear it.
Lady Grantham/Violet/Granny: Oh, so at least we can sleep in our beds.

Lady Grantham/Violet/Granny: What do you mean you wrote to a newspaper? No lady writes to a newspaper.
Edith: What about Lady Sarah Wilson? She is the daughter of a duke and she worked as a war journalist.
Lady Grantham/Violet/Granny: She is a Churchill. The Churchills are different.
Mary: Have we no Churchill blood?
Cora: I think Granny is right.
Lady Grantham/Violet/Granny: Can somebody write that down?

Susie forgot a favorite! At the end of the episode, the conversation between Matthew & Cousin Violet. Violet as always comically expressed such surprise that M was coming to her to discuss the future of Downton Abbey. 

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