That's what Julia says about the yellow arches. Cute!
Other than that, she doesn't know about this place. Sometimes I'm sad for her missing out on some memories & experiences I associate with childhood like Twinkies, Tang, McD's fish sandwich & milk shakes. However, not that Julia's in any danger for childhood obesity, it is a real situation for many young people. The statistics are scary. Thankfully she understands or at least repeats what we say about it being unhealthy.
Also her normal is very different. She's growing up with Farmer's Market & CSA. She knows what sweet potatoes & okra are as well as kale, garlic & onions. Julia is unique compared to some of her peers, but then there are others who are living a similar way. Everyone packs a lunch at the Parent Day Out program she attends; snack is provided. However, we bring her snack also. We don't want her eating goldfish & vanilla wafers every day when she likes pretzels & trail mix. Sometimes Jai doesn't want her to be different, but I'm used to it. It's OK for her to learn to be herself now when she's not self conscious about it. When she has her own money & wants to buy "junk food," we'll see what happens. I wonder if she'll want to by that point.
4 months ago
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