Julia has taken to song. She's been singing for a long time but now she has more melodies and more words to put with it. Most of her songs are sung to the tune of "Old McDonald" but she throws in the occasional "ABC" or "Itsy Bitsy Spider". Lyrically she sings the adventures of Julia and family in the tradition of the epic songs of old or the griot songs of west Africa. A typical song might be something like:
My name is Julia Frances and I have a dog, his name is Johnders. There's TP and Splotches, what's their names? They are the names of the cats and my Grandma Bonnie's house...I pet them...India and Johnders is my dog. Jesse, Michael, India plays with Johnders when she comes to my back yard with my mommy and daddy.
We go to Sam and Anne Marie's house and play in the pool and get cupcakes and Johnders, he's my dog and I feed him treats and he sits down and I play with him. Last night I wore my Dora PJs and I cried and I took a bath and Mommy went upstairs. It was dark, we read a book and I brushed my teeth...Where's the moon?...I woke up and we eat breakfast with my dad and my mom and she went to work. My dad went to the Y with me and I exercise. Down Dog, Up Dog...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 16, 17, 18...Moses was a baby and his sister, what's his sister's name? MIRIAM. His mother and the princess, what's her name? His mother's name is Jochebed. Moo moo here and a moo moo here and moo moo here. Old McDonald had a farm. Moo moo here and a moo moo her.
This can go on for 10+ minutes (again in the epic poem tradition) while she's running around the house. Its a blast to listen to because you can see the things that make an impact in her day. Her language can be breathtakingly funny as well as stunningly sophisticated. Her imagination is hard at work putting these facts together and it is obviously easier to do with melody and rhythm. I think we should all sing and tell stories more.
Now. if I could just get kora lessons.
4 months ago
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