Thanks to our friend Angela we can participate in this with either a Baby Bjorn OR a "ring sling".
International Babywearing Week:
"It’s not too late to get your baby on!"This week celebrate the love and closeness with your baby and wear him or her often. Studies have shown that babies who are worn tend to cry less, sleep longer, and eat better. It has also been found that parents who wear their babies are more likely to be content which in turn equals a relaxed baby.One huge benefit of babywearing is being hands-free. Babywearing allows for tasks to get done around the house while keeping the baby comfy and secure.There are many different types of babywearing options. From slings, carriers, wraps, a piece of cloth or handmade they all have the same outcome. A happy baby and happy parents! Babywearing can br so much fun. Having your baby close to kiss as often as possible and being able to snuggle so closely all while- hiking, bowling, mini golfing, exercising, bike riding, grocery shopping, some house chores or just a simple walk is what makes babywearing enjoyable. It’s worth the investment. The fact that I’m able to move around and be hands-free with a toddler makes the day so much less intense. Both of my sons from birth loved to be worn.
I loved wearing my babies! Life was so much easier. My 80-year-old neighbor? "Put that baby down!" she'd say emphatically. But she also wanted me to feed Olivia cereal when she was four-weeks old. And to spank Ben if he messes in his pants. Old ways. New ways. The old folks think we're crazy. Maybe our kids will think the same of us!!!