I love my birthday. As a friend said, it is a National Holiday. TOTALLY!
This is also my first birthday as a mom AND the last year I can say "I'm in my 30's!" CRAZY!
I cannot believe I'll be 40 years old next year; more likely when we have another baby I'll be 40 or 41. Also CRAZY!
Jai asked, but I didn't have any ideas ... too tired to be creative! I love gifts, but I've mellowed a bit in the past year. Spending time together is more valuable to me now than material gifts. I'm maturing. Also who needs more stuff?!
Then while writing in my Grateful journal one night, the pen died. AGAIN! Another one gone ... happens when you use them I realize, but somehow it surprises me each time. I search my office for a "nice" one and none seem appropriate. I tell Jai "couple of pens, like Jeanie's, they're not too expensive I think, $5-10."
Jai's funny ... "I googled 'Jeanie's pens' but didn't find anything." Jai emailed Jeanie.
Jeanie stopped at GMS the other day (I really miss my friends!) [she looks fabulous, retirement agrees with her!]. She brought my B-day present - 3 "old" pens she was about to toss (she knew I'd prefer she didn't if they still are good) and 4 "new" (in package). They are ALL nice, oh, so nice! Small things excite me now! : )
I got a cool t-shirt from Jai's aunt. It's 100% organic cotton with a neat star and "Happiness" on the front. Well done!
Jai got me 2 tickets to see "Wicked" on September 8. YEAH! I mentioned that idea to him.
I'll ask a friend since Jai is not a fan of musicals ... when we went to Chicago 2 years ago I went to see "Wicked" by myself.
Julia got me a "green" book of Suduko puzzles (recent interest, for YEARS Jai's been telling me I would like it), a cool box of stationary (cotton), and some pens. : )
Great gifts! I had a great birthday! THANKS!
I believe and relish celebrating my birthday ALL month ... I cannot change that tradition!
8/1 I planned to rest & relax & have lunch at Jerusalem restaurant (they have a great buffet I heard). However, Julia took a LONG nap during lunch time. Plan B was take-out from Dee's BBQ (yum-o) for dinner and Gigi's Cupcakes (double yum-o) and we watched 2 episodes of "Entourage." FUN!
8/8 I'm going to the POTATO consignment sale alone
8/15 not sure, maybe lunch with a friend ... at Jerusalem?!?!
8/22 see movie "Julie & Julia" with my mom (she LOVES Meryl Streep)
8/29 not sure, maybe walk with a friend
4 months ago
Happy birthday lady!!!! I think pens are a wonderful gift. I bought a five-pack the other day and can't find a single one now. That's what I get for having kids who like to draw...with my pens. Love your little girl. My kids are crazy about her, too. We'll have to borrow her again....