My mom and I saw it last weekend - part of my birthday month celebration. Bonnie picked me up & drove to the theater, paid for my ticket AND let me have the points on my Regal Crown Club card. BONUS! : )
It is the best movie combination - Meryl Streep and food - and I got to see it with my mom! PERFECTION ... like all of the wonderful butter used in Julia Child's recipes. Stanley Tucci plays JC's husband. They are adorable together, just as in "A Devil Wears Prada". Made me want to see "Big Night" again - food & another great Stanley Tucci movie.
The next day I saw my mom & we talked more about the movie. I almost fell over when Bonnie said she wanted to see it again. For Bonnie to see a movie is one thing, much less see a movie TWICE. To SAY it - that is truly amazing!
Yet I agree - I want to see it again, it was funny and poignant.
Lots of yummy food displayed ...
Then there were scenes of Paris, France... oh, I want to live in Europe.
Jai jokes that I'm going to make every recipe in JC's cookbook. NOT going to happen! : ) I'll taste if someone else wants to attempt the incredible looking concoctions. I might dress up like JC as Julie Powell does in the movie! That was fun!
One of the scenes I found amusing was Julie's ignorance about blogs (insert Tara) and then fascination and eventual obsession with the blog following, i.e. comments from readers. I'm not quite like that though I find myself noticing the comments are mostly on Jai's posts. What's that about anyway?!?! : )
Most often I read and write my blog entries while I pump, either at home or work, since there are limits to what I can do while attached to a machine! : ) I find it especially helpful at work so that I don't fall into the trap of reading my work email or doing work stuff and getting stressed. I find it more relaxing to read/edit past blog entries or compose a post.
If you like food, France, Julia Child, Meryl Streep, movies or all of the above, I suspect you will enjoy this film.
Bon Appetit!
4 months ago