I started to write about our 2012 trips in mid-August when I realized I hadn't.
Then I was looking through the draft file; I never finished writing the post!
Come on! Crazy ridiculous! Now I won't remember most of the fun crazy details.
Like Julia vomiting on the flight from Nashville to Baltimore as we descended.
Oh, yeah, that one is memorable, not likely to forget that one for a long time! : )
Especially as our destination was Boston & we had to make a connecting flight.
That was fun stripping down my 3 year old in the very narrow space, using the wipes & wet bag.
Thank goodness we always have extra clothes in their back packs!
Hoping passengers are not inhaling noxious smells of early morning ingestion of yogurt & OJ vomit!
I thought I was going to hurl as I begged Julia not to touch me - "Mother of Year" award for me! : )
Thankfully Jacqueline slept peacefully in Jai's arms.
Then we had to disembark with a nasty car seat & our carry-on bags & find a bathroom quickly.
We found an open family bathroom & washed Julia again & scrubbed the seat as best possible.
As we walked quickly to our next gate, we hear announcement to board OUR plane to Beantown.
Now we're running!
Actually everything went alright though Julia kept asking for food; Jai & I simultaneously said NO.
We arrived, got rental vehicle, drove to Wellesley, got checked into dorm, ready for reunion activities.
Luckily we had some time since we'd left Nashville so early & arrived in Boston in early afternoon.
We washed all of the vomit clothes & car seat cover & cleaned the seat again.
We had to drive that evening since we had dinner plans with my Wellesley pals.
We had some time to rest before the class mixer, luckily downstairs in the dorm.
20th class reunion at Wellesley was great, lots of fun catching up with my friends & their spouses.
Kids love playing with their "cousins" & of course showing Julia the campus was awesome!
Class of 2031, sadly not 2032 which would mean we'd have the same reunion year.
Jac is Class of 2034, not again not a 2 or 7 ending year so not same reunion year for either girls. : (
Monday through Friday we rented a beach house in east coast Newburyport community.
We picked up Susie at her friend's place outside Boston & Bonnie at the bus station in Arlington.
Then we drove the hour or so to Plum Island.
Not the best beach weather, bit of rain, chilly temps, but nice to be somewhere different, love MA.
It also was good family time too, lots of rest, walks on the beach, good eats, even found a local farm!
See photo of Julia in her eclectic layered look, smiling big near the llama Ferninand.
Friday we headed to western MA for weekend wedding of my younger cousin, Carrie & her fiance, Jay.
That was tons of fun too. We got to see lots of family, most of whom had not meet Jacqueline.
By the time we returned home, it had been almost 2 weeks & we were glad to be there.
I know we went somewhere in July, but I cannot remember.
Not as memorable as the vomit flight! : )
Disclaimer = this post was written in June 2013!
4 months ago