This is another back dated post of course.
The funny part is that not much has changed in terms of Julia's interest.
I haven't pumped all summer while I am home until now (I have 3 more weeks at home) & yet when she heard me mention "pumping" she immediately asked "what does the pump say?"
waddaomp or something like that
She doesn't remember me pumping for her as I stopped at her 1 year birthday 2 1/2 years ago.
However, Julia has been fascinated since late January when I started pumping to boost/maintain my supply & store some milk for when I returned to work. She wants to touch everything naturally & I explained that I need her to respect the pumping area & bottles, etc & not touch any of it for cleanliness reasons & to keep Jacqueline healthy. Amazingly she's been really good about it.
Then of course there have been the comments:
"When I'm older, I'm going to pump milk for my baby."
Sometimes she says she's not going to breastfeed, only pump, but then she was feeding her baby doll the other day & talking to me about also feeding her stuffed bear, Sawyer too.
She also loves to say we'll go to La Leche League meetings (she LOVES to go with me) together when she's older & pregnant with a baby in her belly.
YES, I definitely will go to LLL meetings with Julia when she's MUCH older & has a baby to feed. I need to get a photo of her feeding "Pretty Girl" (that's the name of the doll!) or Sawyer the next time. Usually I'm feeding Jacqueline when she's feeding her babies. I'll remind Jai to capture this moment before it's too late!
4 months ago