"I can't do it! I can't pee." Julia yells from the potty which Tara can see but I can't.
We hear the frustration in her voice. Of course, it is between dinner and bed which is essentially Julia's "I am frustrated" time of the day.
She leaves the bathroom - bottomless. Then the bluestreak we so often see, Julia running from one room to another, goes blazing down the hall toward the bathroom.
At this point, Tara has lost it. She is trying not to laugh out loud but Julia can see her and I can see her, she cannot contain herself. Meanwhile Julia is yelling again, "I can't do it. I can't pee."
This sequence actually happens twice but at the end of the second we hear:
I did it! I pooped!
Tara goes to investigate and sure enough, Julia pooped in the potty. Whoops and yells and clapping all around. Julia, in typical Julia/Tara fashion, asks "I get stickers?" I'm thinking hell yes, you get stickers for pooping in the pot.
Our kid is on her way to underwear (all she cares about) and no more diaper changes (all we care about).
4 months ago